by Frater Nebukephheruraha/Phoenix Suasti Suvayas

As I approach the east, my eyes adjust to the sunlight
I remember that the light of the sun takes eight minutes to travel from there to here
that millions of years are under the divine guidance of the light of the sun,
but I remember that, in the dimensions beyond ours, our concepts of time are useless
This light traveling all the way from the sun to my retina is the bark of the sun
and as this light adjusts my iris, I extend my arms in the form
of the Tau of Tiphareth, the sun within me,
The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs
Hail unto thee who art Ra in thy Rising!
for the light within and without is of Resh
I then remember that the Sun of Tiphareth manifests and is the son of Strength, Ayin, Oz, and say,
Even unto thee who art Ra in thy strength!
Who travellest over the heavens in thy bark at the rising of the sun!
I then bring to mind that we, as microcosmic stars are also ‘barks that travel’, and that the ‘prow’ of our ship is the pre-frontal cortex, the principle of the mercurial Hermes/Thoth/Tehuti, the knowledge and wisdom inter-mediating between the recollection of our experiences and the faculty of contextualizing them into hieroglyphic screens of understanding.
The light of Kether into Binah.
I then say
Tehuti standeth in his splendor at the prow!
I recall that the ‘helm’ of our ship as microcosmic stars is the pineal gland that tells the hypothalamus and the thalamus what to tell the neurons that initiates the activities in our nervous system, I recall that the eye of Hoor-Ra is a diagram of this activity and say
And Ra-Hoor abideth at the Helm, Hail unto thee from the abodes of night!
After making the sign of the primordial child arising on the lotus of the Waters chaos, beyond masculinity and femininity, both feet supported by the crocodiles of the waters of Maim
I intone the primordial seed syllable of the cosmos – A – the first letter of AUM, Aleph, the creative consciousness before creation, ཨ, the A-dot of primordial creative potentiality at the center of all things, the indestructible vajra of Hadit, every jewel in the lotus, the vajra of the swastik. The center of God’s power.
I then intone KA, the principle which connects us with that primordial principle
I then intone with reverence DUA, as all forms of adoration and love are the manifest body of A.
I adore the might of thy breath
Supreme and terrible God Who makest the Gods even and Death to tremble before thee!
I, I adore thee!
Appear on the throne of Ra!
Open the ways of the Khu!
Lighten the ways of the Ka!
The ways of the Khabs run through, to stir me, or still me
I recall that the light of Khabs runs through all things, that this entire planet came out of the Sun, and that we, as particles of solar dust, particles of condensed light, within the particle of solar dust, the Earth, are given the power of Gods, the power to manipulate other forms of solar dust, trees and metals, stones and vegetation into new forms, pigments and tinctures, tools and architecture, and countless other things.
I recall that this Khabs is also ק , qoph, KephRa, The Mother Beetle who pushes her seedlings around in a ball of her own dung, just as the Earth is the dung of the Sun, and we, as seedling stars are pushed around within the Earth by our Mother Sun
The light is mine, its rays consume me
I have made a secret door into the house of Ra and Tum, of KephRa and of Ahathoor
The Son and the Father, the Mother and the Daughter
I am thy Theban oh Mentu, the prophet Ankh af na Khonsu!
I recall how we all ‘are’ or have within us, the ‘prophet’ or intermediary between the ineffable and ourselves, the Ankh af na Khonsu, the life of Khonsu, the life of the lunar principle connecting Kether, the Crown, to Tiphareth, our heart, the moon being used as a metaphor for that which reflects the light of the Supernal Sun Kether in the darkness of night, the realms of maya in which we inhabit
By Bes-na Maut my breast I beat
My Father is of the Great Mother
By wise Ta-nech I weave my spell
My Mother is of the Great Father
As I close my eyes, I recall how every point within infinity is the center of infinity, and at once, I know that am standing in the center of infinite space and I say
Show thy star splendor oh Nuit, bid me within thine house to dwell
oh winged snake of light, Hadit
Quetzalcoatl, Mani, both worshipper and worshipped
abide with me Ra-Hoor-Khuit