By Sr. Lalitha
Posted 19/09/08 e.v.
Sol in Virgo, Luna in Capricorn, Hour of Sol.

Leaping Laughter has been offering a series of New Moon rituals since December of 2017, when we held our first Capricorn Meditation. These rites focus on the tides of New Moon, a delightful counter to all the solar work we do the rest of the time.
I wrote the following invocation to the Egyptian Goddess Neith for our Virgo New Moon ritual which was held at Leaping Laughter Lodge on Sunday, September 1. Neith was the Creatrix of the Universe and all it contains, and She governs how it functions. She is Goddess of Wisdom, Weaving, the Cosmos, Mothers, Rivers, Water, Childbirth, Hunting, War, and Fate.
Considered to be eldest of the deities. Neith is said to have been “born the first, in the time when as yet there had been no birth.”
Invocation to Neith, Primal Creatrix of The Worlds
You who are the Creator of the universe and all it contains,
You who govern all the functions,
You are She who is the great goddess of Wisdom.
You are the Weaver,
You rule the Shining Cosmos.
You are the Matron of all mothers,
You are the Flowing of all the waters and all rivers,
You are the Holder of the child in the womb,
and You are the Release of all children out of wombs
and into safety and peace, and into Life.
You are the Cunning Hunter,
the Great Tactician in Battle.
You hold the warp and weft of the Fabric of Fate
In your beautiful, terrifying hands.
None before You was ever born.
You are Self-Born, Self-Regenerating.
You rule the Primeval waters
You are the very flow of the Primeval Waters.
You create all,
You give birth to all
Self-contained and wise.
Oh Mighty Neith!
Make open the path between ourselves and your Holy Power
may we share in your Power.
We are your Priestesses.
We are your Priests.
May we open the way in all Your places.
May we deeply know Your wisdom.
May we open all paths
between our Will and our Purpose.
You who are Queen of the unseen and limitless Sky.
You are there at the Beginning and the End of the Days.
You, who with the Mighty Selket hold up the sky,
bracing the Heavens.
You are Opener of the Ways.
Revealer of Paths.
You are opener of the sun’s paths in all Her stations.
You are all things that Are, that will Be, and that have Been.
No one has ever laid open the garment by which You Are concealed.
The fruit which You brought forth was the Sun.
You hold up the heavens
and you escort all the souls of the dead.
The Great Above and the Great Below –
all worlds are open to Your Wisdom and Power!
You are the complete sky which surrounds Nut and Hathor.
You come in Your Power at sunrise and sunset daily.
You are that which exists beyond the horizon
You are beyond all the skies of the World.
Oh Mighty Neith!
Make open the path between ourselves and your Holy Power.
May we share in your Power.
We are your Priestesses.
We are your Priests.
May we open the way in all Your places.
May we walk the Wisdom,
may we open all paths
between our minds and our purpose.
Unique and mysterious,
great Goddess Neith!
You who came into being
and Created everything to Be.
You weave the world daily.
You wove the First land out of the Primeval Waters.
All that is Conceived in your Heart
comes into Being.
You reweave all the world’s patterns
of Life and Love,
of Battle and Death,
of Wisdom and of life in the underworlds.
You are guardian of the Dead,
You are protector of Horus’ son Duamutef.
Oh Mighty Neith!
Make open the path between ourselves and your Holy Power.
May we share in your Power.
We are your Priestesses.
We are your Priests.
May we weave as You weave.
May we weave all our patterns in Wisdom.
May we reweave the patterns of our Worlds
in Life and Love,
in Vigor conquering all strife.
May we open all potential,
and may we walk our Purpose in Joy.